Showing newest 39 of 56 posts from November 2010. Show older posts
Showing newest 39 of 56 posts from November 2010. Show older posts
X Factor: Aiden Grimshaw's twitpic
Posted by D-Pop on 14 November, 2010
Labels: Aiden Grimshaw, X Factor / Comments: (0)

One Direction Topless
Posted by D-Pop on 11 November, 2010
Labels: Brit TV, one direction, X Factor / Comments: (0)

One Direction - when they were babies
Posted by D-Pop
Labels: Brit TV, one direction, X Factor / Comments: (0)

One Direction - Halloween makeup
Posted by D-Pop
Labels: Brit TV, one direction, X Factor / Comments: (0)

One Direction at Pride of Britain Awards
Posted by D-Pop
Labels: Brit TV, one direction, X Factor / Comments: (0)

GIF: American Psycho

American Psycho (2000) dir. Mary Harron
I have all the characteristics of a human being: blood, flesh, skin, hair; but not a single, clear, identifiable emotion, except for greed and disgust. Something horrible is happening inside of me and I don’t know why. My nightly bloodlust has overflown into my days. I feel lethal, on the verge of frenzy. I think my mask of sanity is about to slip.

GIF: Dory vs Jellyfish

One of my most favourite Pixar characters. Ellen Degeneres gives life to Dory with her quirky and crazily hilarious voice. Awesome!!!!
Video: The Entire SAW franchise in 6:66
Posted by D-Pop
Labels: Horror, Video / Comments: (0)
Yep. If you watch the following video, you won't need to watch (endure) the 5 movies ( excluding the first one which was really good). So here it goes.
GIF: Shining

“I want you to like it here. I wish we could stay here forever… and ever… and ever.”
via: IWDRM
WTF is she doing? No seriously

That's Diane Kruger. Seems like she really needs to go.
Or is that her impersonation (quite a good one) of a crane / flamingo?
GIF: Yusuf shows the finger

Dude, how did I miss that? Possibly because at the cinema, all I could think was, how awesome that movie was. Inception rocked my socks off.
GIF: Flashdance

Yes, the legendary scene from the 1983 movie - Flashdance. Apparently welders make very hot dancers. Even J Lo proved it with that song that I can't remember.
GIF: Do you hear the THUMP?

Why the hell can I hear a thump when I look at the picture? And no thump when i look away? This is twisted shit.
GIF: Modern Family - I am a musical theatre fan

Mitchell: “I’m a musical theatre fan.”
Cameron: “Surprise!”
Cameron: “Surprise!”