Yep. Part 2 is here. Hope it's more Terminator 2 than Mask 2. So, here we go. [PS Part 1 is here ] Let's start with the most gansgta one. And what's more gangsta than Vijay Dinanath Chauhan... poora naam!!!
A few days back, the #StraightOuttaSomewhere meme struck the interwebs hard. Everyone seemed to have jumped on the bandwagon, with lads meme-ifying the hell out of their profile pics on social media. As well as some selfies titled as #StraightOuttaNandos and the like. But what if our funky people in funky town of Bollyville were to be meme-ified into this #StraightOuttaSomewhere mould? Think no more. Here are some we could cook up for now, with a promise of a sequel soon. Go crazy! TO begin with, we enter the realm of Tilu - I mean Amar, I mean Aamir. And Raveena, I mean Karishma, or is it Raveena. FFS!!!
Tilu be like - Where am I ? Raveena be like - I am Karishma.
The moment I saw that nurse girl that fancies King Robb Stark, King in the North, my imagination started running wild. No, not in that way. Maybe a bit. But that's not what we're talking here. I'm talking about a certain FRIENDS scene that it reminded me of. Hit the jump to find it out. (more…)
Name's PSY. And he's the biggest thing to come out of Korea since Kim Jong Il's memes. He's the guy who's riding the wave of music charts right now. If you have not seen the video yourself, do yourself a favour and go watch it here. For the rest of us who have given in to the awesomeness of Oppa Gangnam Style, here are -
Awesome Oppa Gangnam Style GIFs.
This is an image heavy post, and hence, it is divided into two pages.